*Next opening – 6th/7th September*

As soon as we’ve got the hay bales stored, our neighbours have been busy combining so now it’s time for us to bring the straw bales in. Richard’s cleared out another polytunnel where he’ll be storing some of the straw which we’ll use as bedding for the sheep in winter and to bed down the pigs in their arcs.

The fodder beet is suddenly shooting up with the warm weather and odd shower of rain we’ve had. Both the pigs and sheep will enjoy eating their way through it!

It’s hard to believe we’re a fortnight on from our last shop opening, which means we’re only a fortnight off our next one. Orders are flying in for 6th/7th September so let us know if you’d like any meats reserving. As always, keep an eye on our social media pages for details of any special offers (links to Facebook and Instagram can be found at the bottom of this page).