Finally spring has sprung and summer is just around the corner. Thankfully the weather has improved now the spring lambs are out, and the pigs are happy to have some fresh vegetable ground to root in that’s not just a pure mudbath (although they’re grateful for mudbaths when the temperature shoots up!).

Richard is busy topping grass fields and moving sheep around the new herbal leys. He’s also replanting the bird/bee strips around the farm; keep a look out for the flowers which will soon be out to the left of the lane as you drive down to the shop.

The asparagus is loving this weather, and we couldn’t cut it fast enough to cope with demand on our last open days. Every time we cut more it sold out straight away, so we hope you all enjoyed it! As asparagus grows daily and can’t be cut and stored, Richard is opening up the shop every now and again to sell his asparagus (as well as frozen pork and lamb). He hasn’t got set open days/times for this, but if you see the sign out on the road side then please do call down (or give him a call to ask when he’s going to be around).

Our next batch of Berkshire pigs are now ready, so we will have plenty of pork and sausages to sell on our next open weekend.  So if you have any orders for 14th/15th June then please get in touch. There’ll be pork, sausages, bacon and lamb available, and we’re still taking orders for whole and half pigs, butchered to your requirements.

Friday 14th June 9am – 3pm

Saturday 15th June 9am – 1pm